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You are viewing: Home » Bombers Drop Cheek Happy Tongue Straight Swivel

By Bombers Bits

Product Code: BBHTDCSS

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BBHTDCSS Bombers Drop Cheek Happy Tongue Straight Swivel



Key Features

The Drop Cheek has an Eggbutt like ring at the mouthpiece for the rein, with an upper cheek that has a ring at its end, to which the cheek piece of the bridle is attached. The mouthpiece does not slide on its ring resulting in light poll pressure. The cheek pieces lie flat against the horse’s face, and the mouthpiece is quite fixed in the mouth and concentrates pressure on the bars.

The Happy Tongue Straight is a solid mouth bit which is ported to relieve tongue pressure but is not curved. This makes it slightly harsher than the curved Happy Tongue. The swivel mouthpiece can rotate on the horizontal, allowing the cheek piece to move independently, thereby the horse can set where it finds the mouthpiece most comfortable… removing tongue pressure.


The cheekpiece is available in 2 sizes, standard and a slightly smaller model for a pony.


The 4 available ports have been scaled according to each width. This ensures accurate fitting over the bars and eliminates the rocking movement which occurs when the port is too wide.

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