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You are viewing: Home » Madeleine Titanium Single Jointed Loose Rings Bridoon

By Fager

Product Code: MADDYSJLRB

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MADDYSJLRB Madeleine Titanium Single Jointed Loose Rings Bridoon



120mm 12mm 55mm
130mm 12mm 55mm
140mm 12mm 55mm

Smaller in size. Go up one size.
Madeleine is a durable and lightweight single-jointed titanium bridoon.
The design is unique, simple and amazing. 100% super smooth surface even around the joints.
The joints will never interfere or push against the palate, very comfortable bit that shapes naturally around the tongue and reveals the bars from constant pressure.
This design is ideal for horse's that easily get wounds.
The best part is - due to the straight design and low weight, your aids will be more direct and precise.
Madeleine has Fager´s new Anoblast™ technique, making it the most durable and highest quality titanium bit on the market! It´s a pattern technique, and the grey colour comes naturally from the process. So it is not a colour we put on. Pretty cool if you ask us!

Together with Fager´s titanium Weymouth, this set weight around 400 grams(!) less than a regular double bridle.
You might have noticed that our designs are always straight horizontally = Never has a bigger bend forward.
We design them that way to keep the balance point (BP) in the mouth. If you have a bigger bend forward, you will also move the BP forward and slowing down the process of your aids. More stable and less confusing for your horse.
It has also been shown to protect the bars and flesh from burn marks and wounds on the most sensitive horse.
NOTE: Balance point will still be kept even if it has a slight bend over the tongue = Upwards.
Titanium has several advantages:
Antibacterial and Biocompatible material
Superior strength and extremely lightweight in the mouth
Increases saliva, warm to the touch and encourages acceptance
Non-toxic and hypoallergenic
Low maintenance, easy to clean

Loose rings or Eggbutts?
Eggbutts give the mouthpiece stability, and the rein aids will be more direct and precise. If your horse is a little hesitant into the contact, an eggbutt is to prefer. Loose rings will allow for more movement of the bit in the horse's mouth. Which also will discourage leaning. Loose rings will allow the rider for quick aids with finesse. Eggbutts or loose rings together with bit guards is to recommend if the horse has ”fleshy" lips/mouth corners.

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