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You are viewing: Home » Nils Sweet Iron Barrel Baby Fulmer

By Fager

Product Code: NILSBF

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NILSBF Nils Sweet Iron Barrel Baby Fulmer



If you would describe your horse as something with the following;
Pulling on the bit, but overreacts with too much pressure.
Unsteady in the contact
stiff on normal straight bits.
Doesn't seek the contact forward
Nils is a stable barrel sweet tasting bit.

The barrel tube has a natural fast lock in any direction. A steady model for horses who need to seek more contact without being stiff, a very comfortable bit that shapes naturally over the tongue.

We design them that way to keep the balance point (BP) in the mouth. If you have a bigger bend forward, you will also move the BP forward and slowing down the process of your aids., more stable and less confusing for your horse.

Nils is the perfect bit to combine with your other bits.

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