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Horse Bit Bank Blog

How to care for the different bit materials.

How to care for the different bit materials.

A quick browse through our website will reveal a myriad of different bit materials, each with their own benefits for different horses. For example, sensitive mares who struggle with cold metals have been shown to accept a soft leather bit, whereas other horses really love the sweet taste produced by the blue metal of a sweet iron bit as it oxidises. Whichever material you choose, one thing is true for them all: they will need taking care of and cleaning from time to time! That’s why this months’ blog is all about how to care for different bit materials.

Posted 22nd October 2024 Read More
Reflecting on a successful summer season with our sponsored riders!

Reflecting on a successful summer season with our sponsored riders!

As the summer season draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to look back on the incredible achievements of the Horse Bit Bank’s team of sponsored riders. From taking part in top-flight competitions to achieving personal milestones, our sponsored riders have certainly made the most of the summer months, and there’s no better way to celebrate them than by sharing their latest highlights with you. Not only have the riders been busy in the dressage arena, cross-country course and showjumping ring, but our very own Jodie has also been celebrating fantastic results with her horse Papavier Dior at CHAPS last month!

Posted 23rd September 2024 Read More
Why the correct bit fit is so important

Why the correct bit fit is so important

Many older riders will probably remember the days when all the ponies in their riding school went in a single-jointed Eggbutt snaffle, bar maybe the one ‘whizzy’ pony in a pelham or gag. But we’re now living in a very different era with (thankfully) a much greater understanding of how our horses think and behave, and the impact of bits on their mouths. That means there are hundreds of combinations of mouthpiece, cheekpiece and materials to choose from when you’re searching for a new bit. It also means we can figure out which of those bits should suit a horse or pony based on its stage of training, mouth and tongue confirmation and sensitivity, and keep them comfortable when we’re riding. A huge part of making sure a horse is happy in their bit is ensuring that it fits them perfectly. In this blog we’re taking a closer look at why correct bit fit is so important and how to fit bits properly.

Posted 27th August 2024 Read More
All about the different mouthpieces and what they do

All about the different mouthpieces and what they do

If you keep an eye on our social media, then you’ll notice that we’re usually sharing new bit designs and what we love about our favourite brands - and that there are loads of bits to choose from. Innovation in both the materials used to manufacture bits and the designs themselves means there are a lot of styles out there and it can be tough to know what they all do. In this blog we’re taking you through the different mouthpieces out there and why they suit different horses. We’ll focus on the most common mouthpieces out there rather than designs that are unique to certain brands, and hopefully help you select the right choice for your horse. Let’s get started…

Posted 23rd July 2024 Read More
A summer catch-up with our sponsored riders

A summer catch-up with our sponsored riders

With the 2024 competition season racing by, our sponsored riders have been in action eventing, show jumping and in the dressage arena. As is so often the case with any sport involving horses, there have been injuries and challenges and triumphs, so it’s high time we caught up with them and shared their news! Let’s get started…

Posted 24th June 2024 Read More
Welcome back Nathe!

Welcome back Nathe!

In this month’s blog we’re delighted to be sharing the relaunched Nathe collection and taking a closer look at some of the key designs. Nathe has been a much loved brand in the bitting world for many years , with horses and their riders appreciating the soft and gentle contact offered by the flexible thermoplastic mouthpiece. Sadly, in the summer of 2022, the brand had some issues with some of the plastic connectors used in the bits becoming brittle over time, with some breaking. The brand quite rightly took them off the market while they investigated the issue and have since been developing and testing the designs. With the relaunched collection, riders can once again choose Nathe’s innovative and horse friendly designs which are so well-suited to young and sensitive horses. Let’s take a closer look at Nathe bits and what’s changed with the relaunched collection!

Posted 24th April 2024 Read More
How to prepare for your show ring debut

How to prepare for your show ring debut

Are you targeting a show ring debut this season? If you’ve never been showing before, you might find it a little bit nerve wracking and not be sure what to expect. Our founder Jodie has produced horses for the show ring, so she really knows her stuff. Now that Jodie has a thriving business and a young family, she’s handed over the reins (literally) of her home-bred mare Papaver Dior - known at home as Poppy - to professional show producer James Knight. The duo qualified for Horse of the Year Show last year, so we can’t wait to see how this season goes for them! But that doesn’t mean Jodie has forgotten anything she knows about showing horses. Here are her top tips so that you feel organised and confident for your show ring debut and can enjoy the day as much as possible.

Posted 23rd February 2024 Read More
Busting the most common bitting myths

Busting the most common bitting myths

There are now so many different mouthpiece and cheek piece designs from brands founded all over the world and, thankfully, we understand better than ever before the action they can have on a horse’s wellbeing. Most horse owners know that simply forcing the horse’s mouth shut or using a more severe design isn’t the answer to bitting issues. We’re proud to help people navigate the options and try different designs until they find the perfect bit. We’re also keen to challenge some commonly held beliefs around bit design and fitting. The equestrian industry can be guilty of ‘doing what we’ve always done’ and not challenging tradition. That’s why we’re on a mission at The Horse Bit Bank, busting the most common bitting myths so that our followers and customers can make informed choices..

Posted 22nd January 2024 Read More
Sponsored rider review of the year

Sponsored rider review of the year

It’s been a whirlwind of a year here at the Horse Bit Bank, not least because our founder Jodie has had her first baby! Her little boy Max arrived back in early November and since then life’s been a bit of a whirlwind. We’re pleased to say that both mum and baby are thriving, and we’re so excited to share more baby pictures with you next year. Our sponsored riders have had some amazing results in 2023, so we thought what better way to end the year than with a review from them? We’re proud to support these amazing women as they work toward their riding goals and ensure they can always find the perfect bit for every horse they ride. So, without further ado, let’s dive into how their year went.

Posted 13th December 2023 Read More
A new (tiny and adorable) member of the team has arrived…

A new (tiny and adorable) member of the team has arrived…

This month has been a very special one for The Horse Bit Bank. We’re absolutely thrilled to announce that our founder Jodie and her partner Mark have welcomed their first baby! Little Max arrived at the start of November, and we hope that Jodie and Mark are enjoying every moment of their new roles as parents - even if they would probably love to be getting a little more sleep…! We’re sure that Jodie will use her maternity leave well, no doubt starting her search for the perfect starter pony asap!

Posted 21st November 2023 Read More
What to do when you think you need a stronger bit.

What to do when you think you need a stronger bit.

Here at the Horse Bit Bank, we always advocate using bits that are designed to promote horse comfort, and it’s our view that bits are about communication with your horse, not control. We love learning about the new designs that the bit brands come up with that help riders make the most subtle rein cues and ensure horses and riders can work together in harmony. There’s nothing quite like seeing a partnership that almost looks as though they have a telepathic connection because the aids are so subtle…

Posted 18th October 2023 Read More
An end-of-summer sponsored rider round-up!

An end-of-summer sponsored rider round-up!

As the summer draws to a close, we’re sharing the latest results from three members our talented stable of sponsored riders, Holly Richardson, Melissa Chapman and Sara Bowe. It has been a busy but successful summer for all our riders, and we’re so proud to play a small part in their success. Let’s catch up on their remarkable achievements:

Posted 22nd September 2023 Read More
Where to start when you’re bitting a new horse

Where to start when you’re bitting a new horse

If you’ve been through the exciting process of buying a new horse, then you’ll no doubt be very excited for the big day when they finally arrive at your yard. For some people, they might have visited several times to try the horse or even had them on a loan with a view to buy arrangement and be very familiar with the tack and bits they are used to. However, for some buyers, they have sourced their horse from a stud or dealer - which could be here in the UK, in mainland Europe or even further afield! That means they have a more limited understanding of what the horse is used to being ridden in, perhaps zooming in on videos to see what bit is being used. The same could be true if you purchase a horse that’s been turned away for some time and either the owner has sold on their tack, or they need restarting from scratch to see what they remember. Starting with a relatively blank slate might including guessing which bit to use, so here’s our handy guide to help you work out what they go best in.

Posted 23rd August 2023 Read More
It’s all in the mouth – why dental problems and mouth confirmation are so influential!

It’s all in the mouth – why dental problems and mouth confirmation are so influential!

Hands up if you’ve ever had a bad toothache or dental infection. It’s utterly miserable experiencing pain in an area of your body that you can’t massage, stretch, ice or just rub to ease the discomfort! Now imagine being a horse and not being able to speak to tell anyone you have a sore mouth and being unable to ease the pain in any way!

Posted 20th July 2023 Read More
Loose versus fixed-ring bits - which is right for your horse?

Loose versus fixed-ring bits - which is right for your horse?

When it comes to choosing the right bit for your horse, it can feel like a minefield out there! There are so many different styles of cheek piece and mouthpieces out there and of course a wide range of materials to choose from - so where do you start? Luckily, you’ll find a goldmine of helpful information on our website and in our blogs, and in this month’s update we’re taking a closer look at loose ring versus fixed ring bits.

Posted 23rd June 2023 Read More
Our spring sponsored rider update!

Our spring sponsored rider update!

It’s that time of year again, where we scour social media and the governing bodies websites for updates on how our sponsored riders are getting on as they head out and compete. Here’s the latest round up, and don’t forget to follow our riders on social media and show them some love – we all know how much a friendly message can pick us up on a bad day or make a good day even better!

Posted 30th May 2023 Read More
A closer look at different cheek pieces and their actions...

A closer look at different cheek pieces and their actions...

If your horse isn’t going as well as you would like in your current bit or you’re planning on trying a new discipline that they might find exciting, you might be on the lookout for a new bit to try them in. Once you start searching, you’ll see that there are so many out there to choose from, all claiming to work miracles for your horse, and you might not know where to begin! In this blog we’re looking at the most common cheekpieces you see on bits and getting you up to speed on what they do.

Posted 20th April 2023 Read More
How to clean and check your horse’s bit

How to clean and check your horse’s bit

Spring is in the air - well, the clocks have changed and it’s technically spring, even if we’re still waiting for the first warm sunny days to arrive. Spring is traditionally the season when we all start decluttering and cleaning our homes, and some of our more organised and tidy followers and customers do the same in their yards too! But for this blog we’re looking at why it’s important to keep your bit a clean and check it for wear and tear, both in springtime and all the year round. Let’s take a closer look at why…

Posted 3rd April 2023 Read More
A winter catch up with our sponsored riders!

A winter catch up with our sponsored riders!

We love catching up with our stable of sponsored riders in the middle of a busy competition season, when they’re out and about multiple times a week, but this time of year is interesting too. It’s fascinating to see how each rider approaches training and fitness for their horses as the season approaches, so we thought we would share some of it with you too.

Posted 17th February 2023 Read More
The latest bit rules for the 2023 competition season

The latest bit rules for the 2023 competition season

At the very end of last year, when lots of us were coping with the start of another winter as a horse owner or racing around getting Christmas presents sorted, the latest British Dressage bit rules dropped. Of course, not all the people reading this are dressage fans or compete in affiliated or riding club activities, in which case this won’t be very relevant. But if you do intend to compete in British Dressage, British Eventing or riding club competitions this year, it’s worth taking a look at the changes to the bit rules just in case they impact you. Eventing tends to follow dressage in terms of what’s allowed for the dressage phase of competition, and riding clubs after that! So, without further ado, here are the main bit styles impacted by the British Dressage rule book changes for 2023...

Posted 27th January 2023 Read More